Adult Faith Formation

Adult Formation is always going on in our Parish! All are welcome, even other faiths and other parishes. Invite a friend, your spouse, or a sibling to come along. For information or to sign up please call the Parish Office at 239-267-7088 or email the Office of Faith Formation anytime.

Upcoming Series & Programs

Monday Morning Online: The Eucharist
It’s like RCIA for Catholics. Explore the roots & teaching of the Eucharist through Jesus, scripture, ritual, and tradition. Mondays by Zoom, 10:00-11:30am, April 15-May 20th. View the trailer here. For information or to sign up please call the Parish Office at 239-267-7088 or email the Office of Faith Formation

Date Nights for Dating, Engaged, & Married Couples
RSVP Required, for details & sign-up:

April 19, 6-8pm in Parish Center
$35 suggested per couple includes program, dinner and free childcare for kids 3 and up

April 19th, 6-8pm. RSVPs open through April 10th.
We will honor married couples of all decades with a “Newlywed Game” style event to share wisdom and laughs. Dress up in the style of any decade. Meal will be pub subs and root beer floats. Childcare for ages 3 and up will be provided during this event in the form of a movie night. Please pack a lunchbox and water bottle for your child(ren) and drop them off to the Hopkins classroom 305. RSVP required for all children, contact for questions.

Click here or scan to sign up


May 31st, 6-8pm. RSVPs open through May 15th.
A prayerful and powerful evening of reflection to ponder and celebrate the promises of marriage, through the good times and the hard. Bring engagement and/or wedding rings to be blessed in celebration of the Sacrament that makes a family. Each couple please bring a favorite hot or cold appetizer to share. Sandwiches, drinks, and desserts provided. Childcare for ages 3 and up will be provided during this event in the form of a movie night. Please pack a lunchbox and water bottle for your child(ren) and drop them off to the Hopkins classroom 305. RSVP required for all children, contact for questions.

Click here or scan to sign up 


Ongoing Programs

Men’s Gospel Forum, Thursdays, 7:30am. Discuss the upcoming weekend’s readings. All men invited. Contact Us

Tour of the Church
Hear the spiritual story of our Church building with a small group tour. Includes prayer and time for questions and answers. Please contact the Office to sign up for the next one!

Catholic Parenting  Class
Raising children with faith begins at Baptism…but what do we do next? Parents, Godparents, & Grandparents are welcome to join our Catholic parenting class held monthly. Contact the office for upcoming dates, or email


We at Our Lady of Light Catholic Community believe that all adults are called to continue their faith formation and spiritual growth.  Faith formation is ongoing from “womb to tomb” from our birth to the natural end of our lives.  Learning about our faith is not just for children!  It is for everyone! Every Catholic is invited to walk with Christ in his or her daily life, to gather faithfully together on Sunday at Mass, and to grow in wisdom and knowledge about the faith. When adults–parents–grandparents–single–old and young–adults of all cultural backgrounds–participate in faith formation, we mature together in our faith as a community and we are better equipped to help the children and youth of our community to grow in theirs. To this end, we have many opportunities available for adults in our parish community.

Sundays Salesian : This website offers reflection on the Sunday reading’s from the Salesian perspective, in the tradition of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales & St. Jane de Chantal

Readings available online at: Daily Bible Readings, Audio and Video Every Morning | USCCB

For women: Home – Blessed Is She

Great Catholic Podcasts: 4 Catholic Podcasts You Should Be Listening To – FOCUS (

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