How blessed you are to be preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism for your child! We hope you are finding OLOL to be a warm and welcoming faith community where you and your family can grow together in your Catholic faith. If you have not yet registered in the parish, you can you can register online or in person when you come to Mass.
The steps involved are:
1) Register in the parish. Online registration (click here) or fill out a paper form-ask for one at the office or from an Usher at Mass.
2) Fill out a baptism inquiry form (click here) and come to an upcoming Baptism information day (when your form comes in we will send you current dates).
3) Online Baptism Class (if you have not completed a baptism class in the last 3 years or so). You can get started now working on the online preparation classes. (click here for instructions) (haga clic aquí para instrucciones). Both parents and Godparents should participate and send in the completed discussion pages.
4) Attend an in-person class offered about every 4-6 weeks with different content than the online class. Contact the Office for upcoming dates.
5) Choose Godparents for your child, mindful that Godparents are meant to be good representatives of the Catholic faith to your child. (We encourage Godparents to be adequately formed in the faith for this role, and therefore ask that they do the online course like you.) Exemption for if they have taken a baptism class in the last three years or so.
Godparent specifics:
- You need at least one actively practicing Catholic who meets all of the eligibility criteria on the Godparent eligibility form (see links below).
- Each Godparent completes their own eligibility form, checks all relevant boxes, signs and gives to their home parish. The home parish signs, seals, and returns to us. This can take some time, so it is good to get this part going.
- Choose from the following forms:
- if Godparent is a member at OLOL for a baptism at OLOL (OLOL Parishioner GP form)
- if Godparent is registered at a different Catholic Church but will be a Godparent at OLOL (Godparent at OLOL from another parish form)
- para todos Padrinos (en Espanol)
Parents, it is recommended that you begin the process at least a few months before the birth of your child. Submit all of your paperwork to Lori@ourladyoflight.com and someone will be in touch with you shortly to work on a baptism date for your family. For urgent questions about the sacrament of Baptism, please contact Lori or 239-267-7088, x242.
Especially for Godparents
Congratulations on the honor of being asked to serve as a Godparent. What are you saying “yes” to? You will represent the Catholic Church to the baptized individual for life! Here are some resources and articles that can help form you:
The What, Why, and How of Godparents article on Catholic Answers
Bishop Barron (video) (article) preaches on Baptism
Free online class for Godparents (click here for instructions) (haga clic aquí para instrucciones).
Commitment Form required for OLOL parishioners serving as Godparents at OLOL or elsewhere (request from FaithFormation@ourladyoflight.com)
Youth & Adult Baptisms
Seeking Baptism in the Catholic Church as a young person or an adult? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way in which children and adults are prepared to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism. Contact Fr. Tony Gilborges for more details.
Each year on the anniversaries of your family members’ baptisms, pray this over them:
Baptism Anniversary Blessing