Parish Registration New to Our Parish? Welcome! We are happy you chose to worship with us and invite you to register with our parish. Census & Sacramental Information Head of Household: First & Last Name (required) Do you use a nickname? Address (required) Unit # City (required) State (required) Zip (required) Name of Development Phone Number (required) Your Email (required) Gender (required) —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Title (required) —Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr. Birth Date (required) Marital Status (required) —Please choose an option—MarriedSingleWidow/WidowerSeparatedDivorced Occupation Catholic Sacraments received. Please check all that apply: (required) Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmationCatholic Marriage Religion and Sacraments received if not a Baptized Catholic Other Adults in Household: First & Last Name Do you use a Nickname? Relationship to head of household Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Title —Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr. Birth Date Marital Status —Please choose an option—MarriedSingleWidow/WidowerSeparatedDivorce Occupation Cell Phone Email Address Catholic Sacraments Received Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmationCatholic Marriage Religion & Sacraments received if not a Baptized Catholic First & Last Name Do you use a Nickname? Relationship to head of household Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Title —Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr. Birth Date Marital Status —Please choose an option—MarriedSingleWidow/WidowerSeparatedDivorced Occupation Cell Phone Email Address Catholic Sacraments Received Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmationCatholic Marriage Religion & Sacraments received if not a Baptized Catholic Are you a part time Florida resident? YesNo Residence when not in Florida: Address City State Zip Phone Number Children Living At Home: Do you have children living at home? YesNo Child One First Name Middle Name Last Name Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Birth Date Please check which Sacraments received: Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmation Child Two First Name Middle Name Last Name Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Birth Date Please check which Sacraments received: Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmation Child Three First Name Middle Name Last Name Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Birth Date Please check which Sacraments received: Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmation Child Four First Name Middle Name Last Name Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Birth Date Please check which Sacraments received: Baptized CatholicReconciliation (Confession)First EucharistConfirmation  : Stewardship We record all identifiable gifts. Any donations totaling over $250.00 in any tax year will be acknowledged with a tax contribution statement in January. What is your preference for tithing? —Please choose an option—Weekly EnvelopesCash/Check via Offertory BasketE-giving If you choose weekly envelopes you will receive a postcard letting you know when they are ready for pick up. If you would like to make contributions by credit card or e-check we offer online giving using this secure website powered by WeShare. Click on the "Online Giving " button on our home page.  : Ministries Our Lady of Light has many ministries in need of your time and talents. Would you like information on volunteering?  : Are there any special circumstances we need to be aware of in order to serve you? Subject Your Message Please enter the text below Δ